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Showing results 455 to 474 of 5213
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- Bige, I. 4
- Bige, Sz. 2
- Bihari, Piroska 1
- Biker, L. 1
- Bilca, Doina 3
- Bilcă, V. 1
- Bill, Johann Georg 1
- Billitzer, Philip 1
- Billroth, Theodor 1
- Binder, P. 1
- Binder, U. 1
- Bing, Hermannus 1
- Binswanger, Otto 3
- Binz, C. 1
- Birek, I. 2
- Birek, L. 14
- Birek, László 17
- Biro, F. 1
- Biro, Vasile 1
- Biró, A. 2